Democrats Misunderestimate the Power of Advertising and the Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan – 2012 Campaign Media Videos

Summary. Mitt Romney has the looks, financial backing, and connections that should result in a first-class winning campaign. Surprisingly, some of the videos being produced for the Mitt Romney presidential campaign seemed to have been intentionally degraded in quality by the company they hired to produce them. That problem seems to have been resolved, yet… Continue reading Democrats Misunderestimate the Power of Advertising and the Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan – 2012 Campaign Media Videos

Dee Williams – Dream big, live small – TEDx Concordia University Portland Oregon (Video)

Learn More. Below are links to learn more about Dee and her home. Living Large in a Tiny House, Yes Magazine Portland Alternative Dwellings Shrinking Down the House, Time Magazine Photo. Below is a photo from July 15, 2008 showing Jay Shafer visiting Dee Williams at her home.

Scientology Global Awareness and Membership Campaign Using Impressive Videos onYouTube and Social Media

Lifeways Summary. The Mormon church recently launched a very polished and professional video campaign that is still underway. Purchasing paid positioning in YouTube, at the top right column, these ads have reached millions. It’s an amazing marketing accomplishment, and has helped rebrand the religion. Not to be outdone, the Church of Scientology is the next group… Continue reading Scientology Global Awareness and Membership Campaign Using Impressive Videos onYouTube and Social Media

Apple Display Ports Plugs Jacks Adapters Diagram and Photos for Mac Mini and Other Models

Technology > Apple Summary. Over the years, video port standards on Apple computers have changed. At the same time, the VGA adapter has long been a standard for analog video on Windows PC computers. Recently, DVI has been adopted by Dell and other companies offering digital video on their desktop computers. Meanwhile, Apple has long-since… Continue reading Apple Display Ports Plugs Jacks Adapters Diagram and Photos for Mac Mini and Other Models

Jeff Rolfzen – Guitar Player and Vocalist (Video)

Jeff Rolfzen is a folk music artist who plays acoustic guitar, ukulele, harmonica and sings vocals. He plays music of his own creation as well as some songs popularized by traditional folk music artists such as Bob Dylan. You can learn more about Jeff Rolfzen on his MySpace and YouTube pages. Video. Below is a… Continue reading Jeff Rolfzen – Guitar Player and Vocalist (Video)