Replacing an Apple Mac Mini Intel Core i7 with an M1 Model

Summary In 2019, I purchased an Apple Mac Mini with an Intel Core i7 processor. After about six months of use, the computer started having reliability issues. Despite replacing the main logic board and memory, the problems have surfaced again. A few days ago, the system would freeze during startup. I finally got it working… Continue reading Replacing an Apple Mac Mini Intel Core i7 with an M1 Model

Hybrid Tech Support – Making the Most of Annual Tech Support Plans

Introduction As a tech consultant, I want to be aware of all tech resources available. Not just hardware and software, but services as well. I try to offer the best advice, even if it means less income for me. Someone called me recently needing help with their home computer. They explained that they have a… Continue reading Hybrid Tech Support – Making the Most of Annual Tech Support Plans

Brother MFC‑L2750DW Resources

The Brother MFC‑L2750DW is a printer, copier, scanner, and fax system that offers fast and economical non-color laser printer output. This page offers links to useful resources for those who have this device. Documentation – Main Web Page [View] User Guide – Online Web Version [View] User Guide – PDF Version, 653 Pages [Download/View] NOTE:… Continue reading Brother MFC‑L2750DW Resources

Remote Computer Access Options — Login Remotely to Your Work/Office or Home Computer

Summary This document offers a list of some services that offer remote access to a home or work computer. Google Chrome Remote Desktop [Cost: $0] Google offers remote desktop software that is configured using Google Chrome. There is no cost to the service. You will need a Gmail account to setup the software. After installing… Continue reading Remote Computer Access Options — Login Remotely to Your Work/Office or Home Computer

Google Chrome — Printing All Content and Missing Background Images for Emails and Web Pages

Problem Summary Sometimes when you attempt to print an email or web page, not all of the content will show in your printout. This is because some images may be considered background images. Usually a background image doesn’t contain important or essential information, but sometimes the background image is important. This document offers a step-by-step… Continue reading Google Chrome — Printing All Content and Missing Background Images for Emails and Web Pages

This Simple Mail Setting on Your Apple iPhone and Mac Computer Can Help Reduce SPAM

Summary Email tracking is a helpful tool used for legitimate reasons by non-profit groups, businesses, and others sending out newsletters. It helps senders know that recipients have received an email. When you open an email, the sender can be notified based on unique images in the email traceable to you personally. However, email tracking is… Continue reading This Simple Mail Setting on Your Apple iPhone and Mac Computer Can Help Reduce SPAM

Global Computer Shortage – Staples Laptop Buying Guide

This document provides some suggestions for buying a laptop computer from Staples at a time when there is a limited global supply of computers stemming from a shortage in chips and also the increased demand due to the continued work-from-home conditions. Why Staples? Purchasing from smaller local retailers like Staples can be more convenient and… Continue reading Global Computer Shortage – Staples Laptop Buying Guide