This document provides some suggestions for buying a laptop computer from Staples at a time when there is a limited global supply of computers stemming from a shortage in chips and also the increased demand due to the continued work-from-home conditions. Why Staples? Purchasing from smaller local retailers like Staples can be more convenient and… Continue reading Global Computer Shortage – Staples Laptop Buying Guide
Tag: Consumer Buying Guides
Life without Apple after my Mac Mini computer crashed. (Podcast #52)
In Episode #52, I talk about life without Apple after my Mac Mini computer crashed. This episode coincidentally relates to episode #50 from a week ago where I talk about how we should have other computers available to work on in case a primary computer crashes. (17 Nov 2020) Listen using your favorite podcast service.… Continue reading Life without Apple after my Mac Mini computer crashed. (Podcast #52)
Tech Life: Overcoming the Dependence on Apple Products (Podcast #50)
In Episode #50, I share some thoughts about becoming less dependent on Apple devices and services. (3 Nov 2020) Listen using your favorite podcast service. Anchor [Listen] Apple [Listen] Google [Listen] Spotify [Listen] Listen Using the Anchor Player Below Listen Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click) the link and save. [Download]
Three unresolved tech industry needs: low cost, ease of use, and end-user upgrades or repairs. (Podcast #49)
In Episode #49, I talk about three unresolved tech industry needs: low cost, ease of use, and end-user upgrades or repairs. (28 Oct 2020) Listen using your favorite podcast service. Anchor [Listen] Apple [Listen] Google [Listen] Spotify [Listen] Listen Using the Anchor Player Below Listen Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click)… Continue reading Three unresolved tech industry needs: low cost, ease of use, and end-user upgrades or repairs. (Podcast #49)
Printer Buying Guide (Podcast E13)
In Episode #13, I offer some suggestions and examine the considerations for purchasing a printer. Listen using the Anchor Player Listen Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click) the link and save. [Download] Learn more at