Send Your Love by Sting – Example of Pay it Forward Thinking – Music Video, Lyrics, and Streaming Audio Song Player

Activism Summary. The music video Send Your Love by Sting shows examples of the future impact of our kindness today. Also known as love activism, this form of outreach is often overlooked or considered schmaltzy. However, it can have a huge impact. Future impact studies allow us to see the long-term and repercussive impact of the domino effect… Continue reading Send Your Love by Sting – Example of Pay it Forward Thinking – Music Video, Lyrics, and Streaming Audio Song Player

If Today Was Your Last Day by Nikelback

Effective Living > Music Summary. The music video If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback (not Nickleback) is an inspirational song and video about living every day and every moment with love, passion, and intention. [ iTunes ] Message. The song begins with these words, “My best friend gave me the best advice. He… Continue reading If Today Was Your Last Day by Nikelback

Modern Day Barn Raising in the Digital Age – Reviving a Tradition

Activism | Effective Living | Relationships Summary. The tradition of having a Barn Raising is best known as being practiced among Amish communities, but the concept is found in various cultures and languages (Finnish, Norwegian, and Cherokee). Cooperative work is a form of social activism, and relationship building. It often serves as the most effective… Continue reading Modern Day Barn Raising in the Digital Age – Reviving a Tradition

Paper Heart – Film|Movie Selection for April 2009 – Trailer and Review

Relationships > Movies Summary. The Film / Movie selection for April 2009 is Paper Heart. Directed by Nicholas Jasenovec. With Charlyne Yi, Michael Cera, Jake M. Johnson, Demetri Martin, and others. It is a romance documentary-esque film. Our review of the Movie including the trailer/preview is available on and [ Apple Trailer |… Continue reading Paper Heart – Film|Movie Selection for April 2009 – Trailer and Review

The Urgency of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 60-Year Anniversary, United Nations and Human Rights

Activism | Relationships | Politics Summary. The divergent, contradictory, uncooperative, isolationist, sectarian, extremist, splintering factions of humanity are creating a crisis of reverse evolution leading to the entropy of society. For this reason, there is an urgency for humanity to unite around a clearly identified purpose. No better statement has been presented for defining a road map to… Continue reading The Urgency of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 60-Year Anniversary, United Nations and Human Rights

You are the World

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” – Anonymous, found on the bottle cap of Honest Tea brand tea.

The Quarrel at DR2 Theatre in New York City, September 2008

Jewish Life Summary. During September of 2008, The Quarrel will be performed at DDR Theatre in New York City. Originally written as a play, The Quarrel is well known from the movie version. Gregory Johnson, Director of Resources for Life states, “I first saw The Quarrel as a movie. It was more than just thought… Continue reading The Quarrel at DR2 Theatre in New York City, September 2008