Building a More Effective Military Defense for Greater National and Global Security Through Humanitarian Relief and Sustainability

Activism Summary. In tough economic times, it’s even more essential to achieve the greatest value from money spent on defense and national security. A nation’s armed forces and military personnel must be fully trained and equipped to meet modern threats to national security. The threats we face today are like none we’ve ever faced before. For… Continue reading Building a More Effective Military Defense for Greater National and Global Security Through Humanitarian Relief and Sustainability

Open Source Marriage Creative Commons Wedding Vows

Relationships Summary. This page offers open source marriage creative commons wedding vows created by for public use. The ceremony below assumes a wedding ceremony of a groom and bride to be performed by a Magistrate. Modifications can be made as needed. * * * MAGISTRATE: We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of… Continue reading Open Source Marriage Creative Commons Wedding Vows

The Space of Our Desire – A Story of Smaller and Simpler Living featured in Off Deadline

Effective Living > Housing > Building Green | Environment Summary. The Space of our Desire is a compelling story by Kurt Cunningham about smaller and simpler living. The story was featured in the Fall 2009 print version of The Daily Iowan magazine, Off Deadline and appeared in the online edition with the title Tiny Space,… Continue reading The Space of Our Desire – A Story of Smaller and Simpler Living featured in Off Deadline

The Gender Continuum Matrix and the Cultural Shift Towards Gender Transcendence

Relationships Summary. This document considers the Gender Continuum Matrix as an indicator of social gender complexity and the cultural shift toward gender transcendence in society. Gender Continuum Matrix. The gender continuum matrix is a simple evaluative tool for examining gender relationships in society. Generally speaking, most people have measurable physical and emotional gender traits. Gender… Continue reading The Gender Continuum Matrix and the Cultural Shift Towards Gender Transcendence

Relationships: Friend for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime

Relationships Summary. The writing below is based on an email that has been circulating. It offers an interesting insight into relationships. * * * A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime People generally come into your life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime. Understanding this principle can enhance your relationships by helping you better… Continue reading Relationships: Friend for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime