Paycheck – Movie Review

Relationships Summary. The movie Paycheck is a combination of science fiction, action, and romance drama. It shares a similar theme to other movies about seeing and changing the future. The movie has plenty of action, chase scenes, good stunts, special effects and suspense. Ultimately, this is a romance, that plays out in a very well… Continue reading Paycheck – Movie Review

The Urgency of Global Feminism

Relationships | Activism > Politics Summary. The world currently faces challenges that can only be understood and overcome through a feminine mindset and action. The Future of Feminism. The future of “feminism” will transcend gender. It will not be so much about the gender of femininity as it will be about the spirit and source of femininity which is… Continue reading The Urgency of Global Feminism

Giving Advice

Relationships > Quotes “In giving advice, seek to help, not please your friend.” – Solon, 683 BC – 559 BC, quote found on a Good Earth Tea Bag (20080622su1300)

In Good Company – Movie Review

Relationships Summary. In Good Company is a comedy that combines elements of Meet the Parents and Office Space. It is mostly a movie about relationships: work, family, dating, marriage, and inter-office dynamics. The movie also shows how people’s principles, values, and/or goals in life can be eroded by an imbalanced work life.

Under the Tuscan Sun – Movie Review

Relationships Summary. Under the Tuscan Sun is a film about hope along life’s journey. A well known quote from the movie is, “You have to live spherically in many directions and never loose your childish enthusiasm and then things will come your way.”