Apple Rechargeable AA Batteries Offer Long Life With Eco Green Energy Smart Battery Charger

Technology > Apple Summary. Apple recently announced that they are now selling rechargeable AA batteries with a special charger that senses when the batteries are changed to significantly reduce its standby power usage. “The Apple Battery Charger has one of the lowest standby power usage values of similar chargers on the market. That’s the energy… Continue reading Apple Rechargeable AA Batteries Offer Long Life With Eco Green Energy Smart Battery Charger

Dynomighty Design – Creators of Mighty Wallets and Amazing Magnetic Jewelry

Effective Living Summary. The Mighty Wallet by Dynomighty Design of New York City is a product that transcends traditional paradigms of price and quality. Unique products of high quality, innovative design, and impressive durability are often priced high. The Mighty Wallet is inexpensive enough ($15) that after you buy it you’ll still have some money left to… Continue reading Dynomighty Design – Creators of Mighty Wallets and Amazing Magnetic Jewelry

Decorated Shed – Dwellings of Beauty, Function, and Sustainable Design

Effective Living | Activism > Housing Summary. Decorated Shed is a business that brings beauty, function, and sustainable design to housing, studios, garden offices, and other outbuildings. In addition to creating beautiful dwellings, their business meets the highest standards of creativity, excellence, and elegance in everything they do, including their website design. The Decorated Shed… Continue reading Decorated Shed – Dwellings of Beauty, Function, and Sustainable Design

Tiny Yellow House with Dereck Diedricksen of Offering Videos About Construction of Small Dwellings

Effective Living > Housing > Small House Society Summary. Dereck “Deek” Diedricksen of fame is offering some very well produced videos on YouTube with the focus being tiny home-made dwellings, yet the videos include some fun dry humor, music, and other points of interest. Derek’s book on home-made dwellings is Humble Homes Simple Shacks… Continue reading Tiny Yellow House with Dereck Diedricksen of Offering Videos About Construction of Small Dwellings is Now Using Wind Power for Electricity and Energy Transcendence

Activism > Environment Summary. We’re going beyond carbon neutral. In fact, we’re so far beyond carbon neutral that we’re carbon transcendent. By calculating the energy usage for hosting our web site and the electricity used for maintaining our other operations, it’s possible to pay for clean wind energy to power everything we do and a bit… Continue reading is Now Using Wind Power for Electricity and Energy Transcendence

Terracycle Upcycling Waste by Recycling Old Product and Packaging Materials

Activism > Environmental Summary. Terracycle is an organization that helps create infinite product materials usage cycles. Manufacturers parter with Terracycle by using materials in packaging that can be reused later when they are converted with low energy to another practical product. TerraCycle makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide range of different non-recyclable waste materials.… Continue reading Terracycle Upcycling Waste by Recycling Old Product and Packaging Materials

Simply Car-Free by Tammy Strobel is the Ultimate Guide to Bicycling as Transportation

Effective Living > Mobility | Activism > Environment Summary. Simply Car-Free by Tammy Strobel is a comprehensive guide to car-free living. Click here to learn more or buy now. Biking Benefits. Choosing to live close to your work makes it possible to ride a bicycle (or walk) for daily commuting. This simple life decision is… Continue reading Simply Car-Free by Tammy Strobel is the Ultimate Guide to Bicycling as Transportation