Working from home? The new Apple iPad Pro may be the only computer you need.

Today Apple launched a bold promotional video for their new iPad Pro. That video is below. The most significant improvements over previous models are high quality camera lenses and a new keyboard with a touch pad – allowing the new iPad Pro to offer a more laptop-like experience. The iPad Pro is available for purchase… Continue reading Working from home? The new Apple iPad Pro may be the only computer you need.

The Latest Products from Apple: iPad Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini and More

Here are some of the recent product announcements from Apple. iPad Pro (30 Oct 2018) 5 Reasons iPad Pro can be your next computer (19 Nov 2018) MacBook Air (30 Oct 2018) Apple Mini (30 Oct 2018) Apple Watch Series 4 (12 Sep 2018) iPhone XS and iPhone XR (12 Sep 2018)