Greg Johnson – About

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RFL. I’m the founder and Director of, an outreach and public interest organization based in Iowa City.

Small Living. My former home, the Mobile Hermitage, received national media attention. The Mobile Hermitage is a low energy small home that was designed and built by Jay Shafer.

Career. As a technology consultant, I works for the University of Iowa as well as clients served by my consulting firm, the Technology Services Resource Group. I serve as the coordinator and contact person for some of the organizations found on the Resources for Life website including the Technology Services Resource Group and the Consumer Defense Resource Group.

Education. I grew up in the Washington, D.C., area and then moved to Iowa City where I completed my undergraduate education, earning a B.A. from the University of Iowa.

Sustainability. I have an interest in promoting simple and sustainable living. My study of Urban and Regional Planning with the Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA) included travel to several South American countries including Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. I have also traveled to India, Israel, Spain, Mexico, and Canada.

Holistic Living. I developed a Holistic Living System which integrates all areas of life into an efficient daily and weekly schedule – the Schedule for Life.

Public Domain. I like offering my writings, photography, inventions, systems, time management methods, empowerment resources, course materials, information tools, research, and other intellectual developments to the collective-world-community through a very lenient copyright policy which is similar to public domain with attribution.