A better way to email. Save time and have a greater impact. (Podcast E6)

In Episode #6, I talk about how you can respond to emails and other requests by using video, articles, and podcasting on your own personal website. Listen using the Anchor Player Listen Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click) the link and save. [Download] Learn more at ResourcesForLife.com/podcast

Social media is broken. You need a website. (Podcast E5)

In Episode #5, I explain why social media doesn’t work as well as using email and having your own website. Play using the Anchor Player Play Using Our Website Player You can also download the show. Tap (or right click) the link and save. [Download] Learn more at ResourcesForLife.com/podcast

Iowa City Internet Service Providers (Podcast E2)

In Episode 2 of the Walk and Talk podcast, I discuss various factors to consider when trying to choose an Internet service provider in the Iowa City area. In addition to discussing Mediacom and CenturyLink, I provide information about alternative options. You can subscribe to the podcast on Spotify. [View] Play using the Anchor Player… Continue reading Iowa City Internet Service Providers (Podcast E2)