“Strength is not about power, machismo, and money. We need to be strong in the way we serve God.” – Dr. M.F. Fahny (20040311th)
Category: Relationships
Silence, Simplicity,
“Noise, it seems to me, is one obvious manifestation of the clutter, confusions, and overstimulation of modern life that interferes with spirituality.” – Elizabeth Warren Forsythe (20040311th)
Relationships, Enlightenment
“Relationships are assignments. They are part of a vast plan for our enlightenment, the Holy Spirit’s blueprint by which each individual soul is led to greater awareness and expanded love.” – Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love (20040311th)
Living Love
“The heartbeat of true love is the willingness to reflect on one’s actions, and to process and communicate this reflection with the loved one.” – Bell Hooks, All About Love (20040311th)
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes…but no plans.” – Peter Drucker (20040311th)
“The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.” – Roger Nash Baldwin (20040311th)
Quietness, Humility
“The deepest rivers flow with the least sound.” – Quintus Curtius Rufus (20040306sa1421)