Technology Summary. Pico Projectors are video projection systems small enough to fit in your shirt pocket. Nikon’s new Coolpix S100pj is a camera with a built-in pico projector. The Coolpix S1000pj is the first compact digital camera in the world to feature a built-in projector. With a simple touch of a button, the camera projects… Continue reading Nikon Coolpix S1000pj 12.1MP Digital Camera with Built-in Pico Projector
Category: Photography
Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk – Photography Social Networking Pictures Meetup – Iowa City – 18 July 2009
Effective Living > Photography Summary. Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk is an event that began in 2008. The goal is to have thousands of photographers all over the world walk through their communities and take creative and expressive photos. The worldwide photo walk is to photography what the Nike+ Human Race is to running. It’s… Continue reading Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk – Photography Social Networking Pictures Meetup – Iowa City – 18 July 2009
The Gullah Man of Savannah Georgia – Artistic Ambassador of Love – Canon 5DMKII High Definition Video
Lifeways Summary. The Gullah Man is an ambassador, artist, and edutainer (educator and entertainer) for his city, Savannah, Georgia. He welcomes visitors, makes art, recites poetry, inspires, and shares love. His hand crafted roses and other objects made out of palm reeds are beautiful works of art. The High Definition video below was recorded by… Continue reading The Gullah Man of Savannah Georgia – Artistic Ambassador of Love – Canon 5DMKII High Definition Video
National Peace Site, Ragle Ranch Regional Park, Sebastopol, California, Photos
Gregory Johnson > Journal Photos of the National Peace Site at Ragle Ranch Regional Park in Sebastopol, California are now available. A slideshow is below. Those who take the time to view all the photos in their full size will be rewarded by some really nice close-up images of plants and animals, including bees and two lizards. The photo… Continue reading National Peace Site, Ragle Ranch Regional Park, Sebastopol, California, Photos
54 Minute Peace Run
Gregory Johnson > Journal Photos from the 54 Minute Peace Run are now available. I call this the “54 Minute Peace Run” because the run includes a National Peace Site as the main landmark for the run. The National Peace Site includes the familiar pillar that proclaims “May Peace Prevail On Earth” in many languages. The… Continue reading 54 Minute Peace Run
Passport Renewal Application – Iowa City
Overview. For people living in or near Iowa City, one of the easiest ways to apply for a new passport, or renew an old passport, is to visit the Main Post office on Clinton Street. Applications are available and photo services are provided that meet the requirements for a passport photo. Contact. It’s probably best… Continue reading Passport Renewal Application – Iowa City
Live Publishing of Photos – Gregory Cam
In 2007, I began publishing photos from my iPhone to a gallery on the Internet that I called my Live Feed. This capability was made available by using the Gallery feature provided by the .Mac (“dot mac”) service from Apple. As of January 2008, I have switched to using Blogger (a Google service) as my… Continue reading Live Publishing of Photos – Gregory Cam