National Peace Site, Ragle Ranch Regional Park, Sebastopol, California, Photos

Gregory Johnson > Journal

Photos of the National Peace Site at Ragle Ranch Regional Park in Sebastopol, California are now available. A slideshow is below. Those who take the time to view all the photos in their full size will be rewarded by some really nice close-up images of plants and animals, including bees and two lizards.

The photo collection includes a map and photos have detailed descriptions. The National Peace Site contains a diverse variety of trees, flowers, as well as other plant and animal life.

The plants and other items at the site are donated from local peace activists as well as peace groups from other countries around the world, which makes the site an international effort.

The National Peace Site is part of the 54 Minute Peace Run — a path that goes from the Sebastopol Memorial Lawn Cemetery where many veterans are buried to the National Peace Site and through the Ragle Ranch Regional Park.


By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at