BROKEN ON ALL SIDES: Race, mass incarceration & new visions for criminal justice in the U.S. Date: 12 September 2012, Wednesday Time: 7:00 PM Location: 107 English-Philosophy Building, University of Iowa Facebook: “In the United States of America today there are more African Americans in prison or jail, on probation or parole, than were… Continue reading BROKEN ON ALL SIDES: Race, mass incarceration & new visions for criminal justice in the U.S. (Film Screening)
Category: Effective Living
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Maytag Commercial Technology Maxima 4.3 cu. ft. Front Load Washer MHW6000XW and 7.4 cu. ft. Dryer MED6000X Rating Review Description
Update – 25 May 2020 This review was conducted over about 8 years from the summer of 2011 to the summer of 2019. Based on our experience with this Maytag clothes washer and dryer set, we would not recommend purchasing Maytag. There were numerous issues with the design of these machines under very light use:… Continue reading Maytag Commercial Technology Maxima 4.3 cu. ft. Front Load Washer MHW6000XW and 7.4 cu. ft. Dryer MED6000X Rating Review Description
Peter Sarsgaard and Dr. Frank Lipman – On Transformations Toward Wellness
Below are quotes from Dr. Frank Lipman. “Wheat is an addictive appetite stimulant and binds to the same receptors in the brain as heroin does.” “The key to weight loss may not be calories, or fat, or even carbs, but finding out what foods you are sensitive or intolerant to.” “Many of the foods that… Continue reading Peter Sarsgaard and Dr. Frank Lipman – On Transformations Toward Wellness
Iowa City is a Location
In August of 2012, Iowa City became a location. For about $25 per year, you can be a member of the community, giving you instant access to cars in many major metropolitan areas. [Join Now] Zipcar Cost. Zipcar rentals are by the hour or by the day (about $9/hour or $66/day). The cost may vary depending… Continue reading Iowa City is a Location
Effective Living, Working, Communicating, and Engaging in a Collaborative Digital Era
Increasingly our lives are lived online. The effectiveness of our work and richness of our relationships are influenced by our ability to communicate and interact with people through technology – which can either enhance or hinder our efforts. Like a child learning a new language, the mechanisms of social networking and online collaborative tools become… Continue reading Effective Living, Working, Communicating, and Engaging in a Collaborative Digital Era
Finland Public Education System, Methods, and Outcomes – Compared to the United States
A recent photo slideshow published by Business Insider featured 26 facts about the school system in Finland. Finland has one of the best public education systems in the world, so other countries would do well to study the educational model that Finland offers. Some of the significant points are summarized below for easy reference. Finnish… Continue reading Finland Public Education System, Methods, and Outcomes – Compared to the United States
5-Year Old Needs a Job Before Getting Married – Wants to be a Writer or Comedian like Jerry Seinfeld
Allie Graceman, The younger sister of Anna Graceman discusses life priorities for a five-year-old, such as marriage and how to start a career as a comedian. At the time of this posting, the first video has had over 10 million views and the second one has had over 2 million views. Views on Career Before… Continue reading 5-Year Old Needs a Job Before Getting Married – Wants to be a Writer or Comedian like Jerry Seinfeld