“alles mit maß und ziel” – Everything with measurement and goals

The German idiom “alles mit maß und ziel” is literally translated as “everything with measurement and goals” which is interpreted by some people to be the equivalent to the English idiom “everything in moderation.” What’s odd about that interpretation is that it doesn’t seem to reflect what’s commonly understood about German culture, society, and history.… Continue reading “alles mit maß und ziel” – Everything with measurement and goals

“The Wisdom of Crowds” – James Surowiecki (Video)

Summary These are videos of James Surowiecki talking about his book “The Wisdom of Crowds” and the principles it is based on. [View on Amazon] CMX (13 Jun 2016) James Surowiecki: The Power of the Collective. James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds and columnist for The New Yorker, explained to us exactly why… Continue reading “The Wisdom of Crowds” – James Surowiecki (Video)

Benefits and Safety of Subcompact Cars Such as the Honda Fit and Toyota Yaris

“Sometimes big problems are best solvedusing small solutions.” Summary Generally speaking, little tiny micro small mini cars have many advantages. They offer better maneuverability and easier parking. Better fuel efficiency, and fewer resources used in production make small cars environmentally friendly. Small cars are inexpensive to purchase, insure, and maintain. Finally, they look cute, happy,… Continue reading Benefits and Safety of Subcompact Cars Such as the Honda Fit and Toyota Yaris

POLITICS – Amy Klobuchar Offers Advice on Successful and Effective Politics that will Best Serve the Public Interest

In this video clip Amy Klobuchar offers advice on successful and effective politics that will best serve the public interest. This is an excerpt from her appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on 5 Nov 2018. This video is being used in a non-commercial way for educational purposes and social commentary, and is… Continue reading POLITICS – Amy Klobuchar Offers Advice on Successful and Effective Politics that will Best Serve the Public Interest

“Happiness” – A short film about the world we’ve left behind

The 2017 short film “Happiness” by Steve Cutts depicts a world that is familiar but quickly fading from memory as our new world takes shape in 2020 as we address a global viral pandemic. It’s helpful to look back on the lives we were living and realize that despite our current hardships, perhaps the way… Continue reading “Happiness” – A short film about the world we’ve left behind

Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People – Audiobook

In Blindspot, Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald explore hidden biases that we all carry from a lifetime of experiences with social groups – age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, social class, sexuality, disability status, or nationality. [View on Amazon] “Blindspot” is a metaphor to capture that portion of the mind that houses hidden biases. The authors… Continue reading Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People – Audiobook