7 Powerful Wellness Videos on Weight Loss and Insulin Resistance

Introduction Below you will find seven very powerful presentations about weight loss and wellness, with some discussing the role of insulin resistance and the endocrine system. You can download these presentations (and some others) as audio files on Box or Dropbox. They are most effective when heard repeatedly, and implemented slowly over time in your… Continue reading 7 Powerful Wellness Videos on Weight Loss and Insulin Resistance

Marriott GoldenRule – Being Human (Inspiring Advertising)

Inspiring Advertising Businesses are repurposing their advertising and marketing budgets and instead spending that money to create inspiring advertising uplifting stories that help make the world a better place. The following ad from Marriott is an example. When Marriott needed an impactful and thought provoking ad campaign, who did they turn to? McGarry Gowen, of course —… Continue reading Marriott GoldenRule – Being Human (Inspiring Advertising)