Fast Food Conspiracy is an animated short cartoon. This is the pilot episode and season finale of this one-part series. The Fast Food Conspiracy by resourcesforlife on GoAnimate Video Maker – Powered by GoAnimate.
Tag: nutrition
Bush’s Grillin’ Beans – Bourbon and Brown Sugar
Health > Food Product Information From the full line of Bush’s Best Grillin Beans comes this delicious option with a touch of natural bourbon flavor – Bourbon and Brown Sugar Grillin’ Beans® are the perfect complement to any grilled favorite. With 170 calories per serving (850 calories per can) these aren’t a low-calorie snack, but they… Continue reading Bush’s Grillin’ Beans – Bourbon and Brown Sugar
Foods that Suppress Appetite and Reduce Hunger for Dieting and Eating Less
Summary. This document contains a list of foods that can help suppress appetite. These are suggestions that may work for some people better than others. Please feel free to contact us with any additions or feedback. Thanks! Reduce Tiredness. The list below should be used in addition to hunger reducing activities such as regular exercise… Continue reading Foods that Suppress Appetite and Reduce Hunger for Dieting and Eating Less
Practices, Habits, and Attitudes that Ensure Optimal Results from Wellness Centers
Health > Wellness Centers Summary. Wellness Centers provide teaching and training for those who want to enhance their overall health. To do this, changes in lifestyle and diet are typically required. Usually nutritional supplements and special foods are sometimes prescribed. Optimal Results. The following will help ensure optimal effectiveness and improvement from your wellness center… Continue reading Practices, Habits, and Attitudes that Ensure Optimal Results from Wellness Centers
Limitless Movie Explores Optimal Human Mind Potential Drug Possibilities – Health Impact Similar to Coffee, Caffeine, and Energy Drinks
Effective Living | Health Summary. The movie Limitless explores what might happen if there was a drug with the power to enhance the human mind to optimal performance. [Buy Now] Resources. Here are some resources for the movie. IMDB (Internet Movie Database) Rotten Tomatoes Reviews Trailers and Video Clips on Wikipedia Page YouTube… Continue reading Limitless Movie Explores Optimal Human Mind Potential Drug Possibilities – Health Impact Similar to Coffee, Caffeine, and Energy Drinks
The Vegetarian Myth – The Rise of Irrationalism and the Dangers of Primal and Paleo Diets
Health Summary. A movement toward Paleolithic living has recently reached critical mass. Many books on paleo and primal diets are now flooding the market. One such book is The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. Others include: The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Food You Were Designed to Eat The Paleo Solution: The… Continue reading The Vegetarian Myth – The Rise of Irrationalism and the Dangers of Primal and Paleo Diets
Birke Baehr: What’s wrong with our food system
Health Summary. Below is a TED video of an 11-year-old speaking about problems with our current food system. The problem, as Birke Baehr points out, is in our factory-like production system that focuses too much on high production profits and not enough on food quality or animal compassion. At age 9, while traveling with his… Continue reading Birke Baehr: What’s wrong with our food system