An invitation from the University of Iowa Photography Club: The next University of Iowa Photography Club meeting will be Monday, November 11, 6PM at the IMU Northwestern room. We will be hosting Bill Adams, a photojournalist who has traveled the world and shot for various magazines and newspapers. He will give a 45 min presentation… Continue reading Bill Adams Photography Presentation
Tag: learning
Sanako Tandberg Lab 100 Errors on Windows Shutdown Improperly MSU Replication Delay
Technology Summary. Those using the Sanako (Tandberg Educational) Lab 100 audio language learning lab system may notice an error message after closing the software while attempting to shut down the computer. The error message indicates that the Lab 100 software is still in use long after it has been closed. There is a MSU Replication… Continue reading Sanako Tandberg Lab 100 Errors on Windows Shutdown Improperly MSU Replication Delay
Obsolete Thinking About Technology
Technology When Microsoft announced the release of Windows 95, with a promise of a stable, secure, easy to use, plug-and-play operating system, it seemed that the computing support industry was on its way out. Now, over a decade later, and after numerous revisions of Windows, it’s clear that the demand for computer support has increased… Continue reading Obsolete Thinking About Technology