Summary Tomorrowland is a Disney movie based on a story line where all the greatest minds in the world collaborate to make the world a better place. The film is scheduled to launch on 22 May 2015. Below are some resource links for the movie. Disney Movie Page Facebook IMDB Official Movie Website – Interactive… Continue reading Disney’s Tomorrowland – Athena (Video Trailers)
Tag: Featured News 201504 – News 201504 | 30 April 2015 | Thursday Dear Friend, Welcome to the April 2015 newsletter. At the end of April, finishing out the month, the website was redesigned. This mostly impacts the home page layout, with other pages having a slight design change. This month’s update will be brief. Most of the news for this… Continue reading News 201504
Hijab and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nuns
Through the years, many religions have prescribed specific clothing and head covering for practitioners of the faith. Groups sometimes use clothing as a mark of uniqueness or distinction for their specific sect of a religion. Religious clothing is sometimes included with other symbols of faith to present a romanticized alluring old-world portrayal of religious life.… Continue reading Hijab and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nuns
Amazon – “Reinvent Happy Hour: Stay Home, Drink, and Watch TV”
A recent Amazon ad suggests staying home as an alternative to socializing with friends at Happy Hour. The ad shows a woman at home, sitting on her couch alone, with a glass of wine in one hand and a remote in the other. Click the image below for a larger view. While some alone time… Continue reading Amazon – “Reinvent Happy Hour: Stay Home, Drink, and Watch TV”
Burka Avenger: “Justice, peace and education for all!”
In this new animated adventure series, a young Muslim woman with superpowers becomes “Burka Avenger.” Explaining her mission, she states, “Now, I use my powers for good. I stand for justice, peace and education for all. I fight against the forces of tyranny and ignorance… because I am Burka Avenger!” Al Jazeera says Burka Avenger… Continue reading Burka Avenger: “Justice, peace and education for all!”
Queen Rania Plans to Provide Education to Every Child on Earth
Queen Rania plans to provide education to every child on the planet through an initiative called 1GOAL. She discusses this and other topics in the interview below.
In Kuwait There are no Taxes, but Education and Healthcare are Provided
“The government really takes care of people there. You don’t worry about taxes. The government gives all citizens cash wedding gifts. You get about $12,000 as a wedding gift. Half of it is actually a present from the Emir of Kuwait. He gives you a present. The other half is a non-interest loan. Also, free… Continue reading In Kuwait There are no Taxes, but Education and Healthcare are Provided