Recently Unemployed? Do This Immediately.

A Seismic Shift There are currently three powerful converging forces producing a seismic shift in today’s job market. This article provides you with some suggestions on how to position yourself for long-term career growth and financial wellbeing. The current conditions make this a critical time to start a home-based business that is compatible with social… Continue reading Recently Unemployed? Do This Immediately.

Talent Management: Attracting, Hiring, and Keeping Excellent Employees

Employees Are The Brand Despite the opinions of advertisers, marketing agents, and promoters, ultimately employees are your brand. They are are the public face of a company. They determine the quality of experience your customers and vendors have. From those experiences, people will shape opinions about your company. This impacts how attractive your company is… Continue reading Talent Management: Attracting, Hiring, and Keeping Excellent Employees