Consumer Alert | Technology Summary. There is a fake email circulating supposedly from AT&T about a wireless bill being ready to view. The links in the email, however, don’t go to AT&T’s website. They go (presumably) to a malicious site that will attempt to get your personal information or infect your computer with viruses. As long… Continue reading Alert: Beware Fake AT&T My Wireless Bill
Tag: consumer alert
Alert: Beware My Verizon Bill is Fake Malicious Email
Consumer Alert | Technology Summary. There is a fake email circulating supposedly from Verizon about a bill being due. The links in the email, however, don’t go to Verizon’s website. They go (presumably) to a malicious site that will attempt to get your personal information or infect your computer with viruses. As long as you don’t… Continue reading Alert: Beware My Verizon Bill is Fake Malicious Email
Amazon Working Conditions – OSHA Investigates Heat in Pennsylvania Fulfillment Center – Consumer Report and Action Response
Activism > Consumer Defense Summary. In June 2011 Amazon was sited for having poor working conditions (excessive heat) in one of their east coast order fulfillment centers. Amazon has since remedied the situation (as explained below) and OSHA has closed their investigation of the matter. Further research revealed that safety at Amazon fulfillment centers is better… Continue reading Amazon Working Conditions – OSHA Investigates Heat in Pennsylvania Fulfillment Center – Consumer Report and Action Response
Website Browsing Tracked for Aggregate Consumer Analysis and Advertising
Finance | Consumer Defense Summary. Facebook, Google, and a host of other websites and advertisers track your browsing habits using cookies and other methods. Usually this is to provide advertising that’s relevant for your likes and dislikes. It’s almost creepy. You visit an online store, and soon begin to see ads for that store showing up… Continue reading Website Browsing Tracked for Aggregate Consumer Analysis and Advertising
Fake YouTube Email Spam is Hoax and Fraud with Links to Possible Malicious Website or Identity Theft Site
Consumer Defense Summary. A fake email that poses as being from a YouTube user is circulating. An image of the email is below. The text reads, “Username has sent you a message: Sorry… your email address here Can I place your video on my web site? You can reply to this message by visiting your inbox.”… Continue reading Fake YouTube Email Spam is Hoax and Fraud with Links to Possible Malicious Website or Identity Theft Site
Email Spam Fraud and Hoax From Hijacked Accounts to Send Fake Plea for Help
Consumer Defense Summary. You may receive an email that is a desperate plea for help from a friend, colleague, family member, or acquaintance. Before replying, you may want to compare it with the samples below that we’ve received. Many similar emails are sent out from hijacked user accounts of people with email service through AOL,… Continue reading Email Spam Fraud and Hoax From Hijacked Accounts to Send Fake Plea for Help
WARNING: Callpod Keeper Update Erases KeeperDesktop App Causing Users to Loose Access to Password Database
Technology > Apple Problem Summary. If you are a user of Callpod Keeper or KeeperDesktop secure password storage software for the Apple Mac OS X computer, you likely received an email today from Callpod indicating that an update is available. The instructions describe that you should download the update and copy it to your Applications… Continue reading WARNING: Callpod Keeper Update Erases KeeperDesktop App Causing Users to Loose Access to Password Database