Summary If you are a regular Google Chrome user you may be interested in the enhanced protection feature that can be enabled in Settings under Security. To learn more, from within Chrome you can go to this link chrome://settings/security Chrome Enhanced Protection When you go to the Security options in Chrome, under Enhanced protection you… Continue reading Google Chrome: Preemptive and Proactive Browser Security with Enhanced Protection
Author: Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at
These Bipartisan Efforts are Inspiring and Impactful
Overview As a nation, collectively and as individuals, many are focusing 90% of their energy on the 10% of things that we disagree on rather than the 90% that we agree on. As has been said repeatedly, what unites us is greater than what divides us. Our country faces many challenges. We could list the… Continue reading These Bipartisan Efforts are Inspiring and Impactful
Black Community Leaders Speak Out Against Violent Protests
We’ve witnessed decades of violent and militant acts among right-wing extremists. Everything from incidents like the 1995 Oklahoma bombing, to more recent events like the attack on the U.S. Capitol. Right-wing extremists seem to be more heavily armed and motivated to do greater harm than their leftist counterparts. There are many examples of armed right-wing… Continue reading Black Community Leaders Speak Out Against Violent Protests
Joe Biden and Peaceful Centrists Face Violence From Extremism on Right and Left
This month we’ve seen violent and illegal behavior from extremists on the right and the left in response to the centrist and moderate resurgence we’re seeing in the United States. Republicans who have expressed concerns in recent years about extremism in the party are now feeling vindicated, despite the backlash of being branded as RINOs… Continue reading Joe Biden and Peaceful Centrists Face Violence From Extremism on Right and Left
Meet the Republicans Promoting Civility and Cooperation
While public attention has mostly been on extremism within the Republican Party over the past four years, there have also been some hopeful indicators for where the party may be heading in the future. I try to support leaders across the political spectrum who seem to be independent thinkers who will put people and country… Continue reading Meet the Republicans Promoting Civility and Cooperation
Joe Biden Inauguration Speech Video and Full Transcript Text
Video Here is a video of Biden’s speech. The full transcript is below the video. Inauguration Speech Transcript Chief Justice Roberts, Vice President Harris, Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell, Vice President Pence, distinguished guests, and my fellow Americans. This is America’s day. This is democracy’s day. A day of history and hope. Of renewal… Continue reading Joe Biden Inauguration Speech Video and Full Transcript Text
Roger McNamee Discusses His Wired Article – “Platforms Must Pay for Their Role in the Insurrection”
In his article “Platforms Must Pay for Their Role in the Insurrection,” [Wired 7 Jan 2021] Roger McNamee has asserted that Facebook, Twitter, and other social media services intentionally promote incendiary content. He states, “the algorithmic amplification of extreme content is a business choice made in pursuit of profit.” Content that incites people will be… Continue reading Roger McNamee Discusses His Wired Article – “Platforms Must Pay for Their Role in the Insurrection”