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We’re now using Web of Trust (WOT) as a tool to monitor our site quality, evaluate outbound links to sites, and establish our ranking among the community of people using the WOT plugin.

It would be a great help if you could rate our site here:

Why… In recent months, we noticed a significant drop in our website traffic. There were 1,500 fewer visits per day! Only recently did I discover that one or two people established the initial WOT rating of our site as Not Trustworthy and one Russian organization (Yandex) had mistakenly blacklisted our site as having malware (reported through WOT). So, we lost thousands of visitors from Eastern Europe and elsewhere that WOT and Yandex are popular.

I’m happy to say the ratings have improved, but more “votes” of confidence will greatly help.

Thanks for your support.


P.S. You may also like the WOT browser plug-in available here (though it’s not necessary for rating):

Gregory Paul Johnson, Director
“Resources for Better Living”

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at