What’s New

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  • Rebuild of GoIowa. After much labor developing the GoIowa website, it was hacked. The original content is now available here by following the menu above. The articles mentioned below are now available as pages linked from the home page. (20130923mo1221)
  • Greenbelt Articles Now Online. Articles about greenbelts are now available as posts (rather than pages). Links to some of these articles can be found on the Greenbelts page and also when viewing the Documents database by the Greenbelts category. (20080211mo1443, ~ Gregory)
  • Site Update News. This page, the What’s New page, was previously selected as the page where blog entries (posts, writings, articles) were to be displayed in chronological order. The new page for writings will be the Documents page. This page, the What’s New page, will be a place where we can write notes about updates to the site. At present, these notes will have to do with the basic site structure and content. In the future, these notes can be more relevant to site visitors. For an example of how this page can be used, visit the What’s New page at Resources for Life. (20080211mo1404, ~ Gregory)
  • About This page. This page is reserved for brief notes and updates which don’t qualify as entire articles. Writings, articles, and documents can simply be created as “posts” and will be available in the searchable online database of writings, articles, documents, and posts. (20080211mo1403, ~ Gregory)