[GoIowa | Greenbelts]
Greenbelt efforts have garnered wide appeal. Many people from a rather diverse array of backgrounds support this innovative way of preserving dwindling natural resources.
- Land conservationists and environmentalists are often the main proponents of greenbelts, but greenbelts have the support of many and diverse community groups and individuals.
- Hunters often push for hunting and fishing rights on land within a greenbelt.
- Sports enthusiasts support designating land in a greenbelt for purposes such as golf, disc golf, biking and hiking trails.
- Farmers benefit from preserving their contiguous farm land from encroaching development and urban sprawl. (Under some greenbelt conservation programs, the government will offer tax incentives to farmers who maintain their land for agricultural purposes.)
- Realtors often support greenbelts because conserving green space increases property values generally, and especially for the nearby homes.
- Wildlife enthusiasts and bird watchers
- Bicyclists, both touring and mountain.
- Golfers.
- Many religious congregations from conservative Evangelical Christians to Unitarians.
- Diverse political groups: Republicans, Independents, Democrats, Libertarians and Greens.
- Government officials: City Managers, County Supervisors, and State Legislators
In fact, all citizens have an interest in creating and maintaining green space around a city. Several Iowa organizations are interested in pursuing the possibility of greenbelts around the state’s most rapidly growing areas, such as the Iowa City-to-Cedar Rapids “Corridor.”