NOTICE: WORKPLACE OPTIONS EMPLOYEE WELLNESS SERVICES In April 2019 we began receiving incorrectly addressed emails from people seeking support for various areas of life. So, we’ve created this page to provide more information about the confusion created by a third party unaffiliated with us. If you’re reading this page, it’s probably because we informed you… Continue reading Workplace Options
Category: Health
What if all US health care costs were transparent? | Jeanne Pinder
In the US, the very same blood test can cost $19 at one clinic and $522 at another clinic just blocks away — and nobody knows the difference until they get a bill weeks later. Journalist Jeanne Pinder says it doesn’t have to be this way. She’s built a platform that crowdsources the true costs… Continue reading What if all US health care costs were transparent? | Jeanne Pinder
“Head Above Water” by Avril Lavigne – Music Video About Rising Up, Breaking Through, and Moving Forward
“Head Above Water” Music Video by Avril Lavigne After years of silence, Canadian singer Avril Lavigne makes a strong come back with “Head Above Water” which seems to be a reflection on her struggle in recent years recovering from Lyme Disease. The lyrics and more information can be found further down on this page. To… Continue reading “Head Above Water” by Avril Lavigne – Music Video About Rising Up, Breaking Through, and Moving Forward
HEALTH – Building an Alzheimer’s-Resistant Brain
This page contains some video presentations about how to build an Alzheimer’s-resistant brain. Lisa Genova (19 May 2017) Alzheimer’s doesn’t have to be your brain’s destiny, says neuroscientist and author of “Still Alice,” Lisa Genova. She shares the latest science investigating the disease — and some promising research on what each of us can do… Continue reading HEALTH – Building an Alzheimer’s-Resistant Brain
A Brain Injury Turned Jason Padgett Into a Math Savant
Jason Padgett was unable to get healthcare in the U.S. because his brain injury was considered a pre-existing condition. So, he went to Finland to get care for free. His story is amazing. Watch the videos below to learn more. Today Show with Megyn Kelly – 24 Aug 2018 Jason Padgett grew up struggling in… Continue reading A Brain Injury Turned Jason Padgett Into a Math Savant
2018 International Yoga Day Message from Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India
Each year, the International Day of Yoga takes place on 21 June. The idea of International Day of Yoga was first proposed by the current Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi during his speech at the UNGA, on 27 September 2014 where he stated: “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies… Continue reading 2018 International Yoga Day Message from Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India
HEALTHCARE – Global Rate of Diabetes Exceeds Our Ability to Offer Surgical Solutions
Rates of diabetes are increasing globally. Surgery may offer some insights into what causes the disease, and seems to offer a ‘cure’ for some patients, but is not a viable global solution. Video posted by the Economist to YouTube on 6 Jun 2018.