Privacy Guard Scam Fraud Review and Evaluation

Effective Living Summary. is a service provider of credit report monitoring and identity theft protection. Instructions on how to save $60 per year with Privacy Guard are provided at the bottom of this page below the review and disclosure of customer complaints and concerns about the Privacy Guard business practices. Some people claim that Privacy Guard… Continue reading Privacy Guard Scam Fraud Review and Evaluation

Investing and Saving Money – Financial Tools and Resources

Finance Summary. Below is a list that represents a the broad spectrum of financial diversification available for investing and saving money. Much of the information presented here in condensed form was gathered from the Basics of Investing Lesson in the Money 101 Guide offered by Money Magazine which is owned by CNN which is owned… Continue reading Investing and Saving Money – Financial Tools and Resources Video Finalist in the $25,000 Intuit Small Business Grant Competition

Summary. I’m encouraged to report that a video I helped produce for a client is now featured as one of the finalists in the Intuit $25,000 Small Business Grant competition. Out of many contestants, my client is in the top 50. Please take a moment to read this page and consider helping with a few… Continue reading Video Finalist in the $25,000 Intuit Small Business Grant Competition

ShopToEarn ShopToEarth – Review and Evaluation

Activism > Consumer Defense Summary. Conflicting views, opinions, and information seem to exist on the Internet regarding the ShopToEarn and ShopToEarth business. Some people claim that ShopToEarn is a scam and a fraud. Others say it’s a great opportunity to save and earn money. This mix of viewpoints is partly due to the nature of… Continue reading ShopToEarn ShopToEarth – Review and Evaluation

Giving a Percentage – Donate, Contribute, Give, and Volunteer to Charity for Greater Wealth and Well-being

Activism > Charitable Giving Summary. Giving time, money, and possessions to charitable causes is beneficial to the giver as well as the receiver. In some nations, the government will gather taxes, and a portion of those taxes will go toward worthy causes, social services, environmental protection, consumer protection, and peace building efforts such as the Peace Corps.… Continue reading Giving a Percentage – Donate, Contribute, Give, and Volunteer to Charity for Greater Wealth and Well-being

Socially Responsible Green Eco Investing – SRI Advantage – CREF Social Choice Account Fund

Finance Summary. There are many companies around the world today that harm the environment, exploit workers, produce harmful products, and engage in generally unethical practices. Socially Responsible Investment funds have been created for investors who don’t want to invest money in such companies. Another advantage of Socially Responsible Investments is that they generally perform better… Continue reading Socially Responsible Green Eco Investing – SRI Advantage – CREF Social Choice Account Fund

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