Documentary: “Who owns Jerusalem?” by Deutsche Welle

Today the United States moved their Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, in a gesture that to recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. What will be the impact of this change? This documentary produced by Deutsche Welle examines those who claim ownership of Jerusalem. Here’s the description from the YouTube video posted on 14 May 2018:… Continue reading Documentary: “Who owns Jerusalem?” by Deutsche Welle

Documentary: The Haredim Represent 30% of Jerusalem’s Population

The Haredim are Jewish people who are very religiously observant. The following report offers some positive portrayals of the Haredim community and also criticisms of the community. Because the Haredim make up 30% of the population of Jerusalem, they have a strong and well defined community there. Here are some reasons why the Haredim may… Continue reading Documentary: The Haredim Represent 30% of Jerusalem’s Population Announces 2013 Release of Jerusalem Middle East 3D Big Screen HD Video With Breathtaking 7 Minute YouTube Trailer has announced the 2013 Release of their epic IMAX 3D HD film about Jerusalem and the Middle East. The 7-minute trailer below is a breathtaking peak at what the movie will offer. Learn More. Below are links for more information. Facebook Page (also Trailer YouTube Channel