Follow these 7 easy steps to get legal justice for yourself and others.

The officers arrested for their role in George Floyd’s death have been charged with murder. Justice is served (assuming they are tried, convicted, and sentenced). The system is correcting itself and will continue to do so as long as we abide by the basic rules necessary to provoke a response which are: STEP #1 –… Continue reading Follow these 7 easy steps to get legal justice for yourself and others.

Houston Just Elected 19 Black Women as Judges for Criminal Justice Reform (14 Nov 2018)

Houston, Texas just elected 19 black women as judges in hopes of promoting criminal justice reform. “For 19 black women and a socialist to be elected judge in Houston, which is the epicenter of mass incarceration, is not a small deal,” said Jay Jenkins, an attorney with the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition. “The possibility that we… Continue reading Houston Just Elected 19 Black Women as Judges for Criminal Justice Reform (14 Nov 2018)