“Tobacco kills more than 400,000 Americans a year. That’s more than suicide, traffic accidents, AIDS, murder, illicit drugs, and alcohol combined. But you won’t hear about that on the news.” – www.thetruth.com (20021108fr)
Author: Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. He also manages IowaCityWebDesignArtist.com and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com
“Every 8 seconds the tobacco industry loses a customer . . . because they die.” – www.thetruth.com (20021108fr)
Tobacco Advertising
“Tobacco advertising is like peer pressure with a 15 million dollar a day budget.” – www.thetruth.com (20021108fr)
Judaism, Torah Thought
“Spiritual thoughts are nice, but they have a tendency to evade practicalities. Like butterflies slipping through reality’s net, like birds drawn upward in flight. A thought of Torah, however, waits above your head like a reservoir of living waters. As ethereal as it may be, it needs only a small opening to burst and pour… Continue reading Judaism, Torah Thought
“Cigarette smoke contains 101 poisons. That’s 100 more than rat poison.” – www.thetruth.com (20021108fr)
Democracy, Capitalism, Socialism, Dictatorship
“Democracy in a Capitalist Republic is like Socialism in a Communist Dictatorship. Neither are a possibility.” – Warren Masterson [source not confirmed] (20021107th)
Blame, Change
“When you blame others, you give up a perfect opportunity to change.” – Stephen R. Covey (20021006su)