GetFlywheel Offers Premium WordPress Hosting


Introduction offers a beautiful and powerful WordPress hosting experience, built specifically for the workflows of designers and agencies. Flywheel allows you to focus on what you do best: designing and building great websites.

Say goodbye to bottom-of-the-barrel hosting. Flywheel is built for speed and security, and is tuned to make WordPress sites fly! Our team of WordPress experts ensures your site is always running at its best.

Flywheel offers friendly, helpful WordPress experts to help you with whatever issues may arise. We’ve been in your shoes, and know just how important great support is. We’re here to help when you need it.

Collaborate with teammates & contractors

Flywheel makes it super simple to collaborate with others when developing a site, without the need to share usernames and passwords. Simply add them as collaborators on the project, and they have full access to manage the site, update files and manage the database. When the project is over, remove their access and voila! No more access.

Easily transfer billing to your clients

Your clients shouldn’t have to navigate a nasty hosting website just to sign up and pay for their hosting. With Flywheel you can easily transfer ownership of a site to your client. They receive an email with a link to a secure payment form, and can pay quickly and easily. Best part? You remain a collaborator, and retain full access to the site.

Only pay when sites go live

Nearly all designers have a “demo server” where they can show site changes to clients before they go live. Flywheel allows you to set up Demo Sites for free and only pay for them once they’re ready to go live – when either you pay or you transfer the site to your client for payment. These Demo Sites are fully production ready so going live is as easy as pointing DNS.

Rock-solid, managed hosting

Robust cloud-based infrastructure ensures your clients’ sites always perform.
Say goodbye to bottom-of-the-barrel hosting providers.

Tuned to make WordPress sites fly

Because Flywheel specializes in WordPress, our servers are specifically calibrated to make your site blazing fast. Each site has dedicated resources to meet the needs of even the most demanding sites. No more customer complaints about slow sites!

Designed to battle hackers

The popularity of WordPress makes it a constant target for bad guys. Flywheel constantly monitors every site for hackers and malware, and the unlikely event you do get hacked, we fix it for you. For free.

Built-in caching & CDN support

No need to muck around with caching plugins to try and squeeze performance out of a crappy shared server. Flywheel servers handle the caching for you, and we will even help you set up a CDN for optimal performance.

Automated backups & simple restore

Easily go back in time, and sleep soundly knowing your data is backed up and easily accessible with 1-click restores. Flywheel makes sure your data is backed up and securely stored off-site for when something goes wrong.

Helping you is priority #1

We’re not just a pretty face on a hosting company, but are instead focused 100% on helping you easily launch your sites and look great to you clients. Our team of friendly WordPress experts is here to help you figure out all of your issues and get you back to designing beautiful sites.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at