Apple Address Book and Mail Setup for LDAP Directory Lookup at the University of Iowa

Effective Living > Iowa City > University of Iowa

Summary. The LDAP directory service enables an e-mail client or address book to lookup names in an enterprise directory. For the University of Iowa, at the time this document was created, LDAP access was only available for computers on campus with wired or wireless connections to the University of Iowa network.

Instructions. University of Iowa Campus Technology Services provides a general information page for LDAP configuration. The page lacks instructions for setting up LDAP in the Apple Address book for use in the Apple Mail program. For Apple computers, the LDAP settings are configured in the Address book, but are accessible from the Apple Mail software. Follow these instructions to setup LDAP in the Apple Address book:

  1. While running Address book, choose Preferences from the Address Book menu.
  2. Click on the LDAP tab and then click the plus symbol to add an LDAP directory entry.
  3. Provide a name for the directory such as UI.
  4. Server should be:
  5. Port should be: 389
  6. Use SSL can be unchecked.
  7. Search Base should be: ou=people,dc=metadirectory,dc=iowa,dc=uiowa,dc=edu
  8. Scope can be subtree
  9. No other information should be necessary. Click the save button. Click the red button to close out. Go to Directories in Address book. Click on UI. Search for a name (preferably a unique name) to see if the directory lookup is working.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at