One Shabbat, One World

Lifeways > Judaism

Summary. One Shabbat, One World is an initiative to encourage people around the world to enjoy a day of rest on Saturday and acknowledge that day as set aside by God. The following information is taken from the organization’s website:

FIRE WITH FIRE. Fighting in the darkness is futile; we have to generate light. Just as one small flame can suddenly illuminate a dark room, each one of us has the ability to generate spiritual light that contributes to the dispelling of darkness in our Holy Land, throughout the world and in our personal lives. We have the means to fight the fire of negativity and intolerance with a fire of our own – the flame of the Shabbat candles.

AN ISLAND IN TIME. One day a week, G-d has a party. And we’re all invited to partake in a day of peace, rest and tranquility – a refuge away from the unrest and confusion and the grind of daily life. Shabbat is an island in time for all the things we think we don’t have enough time for – family, friends and personal growth. Shabbat is part of the manual for healthy living authored by the One who created life. And it is a gift from Above.

A TASTE OF THE FUTURE. For thousands of years, we have been praying and preparing for the coming of Moshiach, an enlightened, righteous person who will lead humanity with wisdom and compassion to an era of global peace and true harmony. The Messianic era will be a time of immense light and joy – where the focus of all humanity will be the pursuit of spirituality and meaning rather than wealth and egocentrism. Shabbat is a taste of what this future will be like.

WE’RE ALMOST THERE. The world events being witnessed today were foretold by our prophets and sages. They are part of the tumultuous and historic developments that precede the Messianic era. It is up to us to do what we can to hasten the process by increasing in goodness and kindness, and by adding more light.

Categorized as Lifeways

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at