Federal law prohibits unsolicited text messages like the one shown here.
If you receive an unsolicited spam text SMS message, fill out the online complaint form on the FCC website.
Please note that the form is for multiple tips of complaints, so if a question doesn’t apply, just ignore it.
If you prefer, you can download the printable version of the complaint form also on the FCC website.
The longer method of reporting a complaint that gets you to the above form begins on the FCC Complaints page. You must click on Telemarketing, then on the resulting page, click the link that says “Live telemarketing calls (including Do-Not-Call), prerecorded messages, advertising text messages, unsolicited commercial emails, ‘Abandoned Calls’, or ‘War Dialing’ received on a wireless phone.”
The online navigation is not very clear which is why we’ve posted the easier instructions above.
The text of the example spam SMS message states: “Guess What? The Koala bear is not really a bear, but is really related to the kangaroo and the wombat. For HELP call 18888906150.” A message you receive may be similar to this one.