Microsoft Office Word XP 2003 Using Template With Word 2007 Interoperability Applying


Problem Summary. You have Microsoft Office Word 2007 and need to have a template and its associated macros, features, add-ins, and other elements applied to an existing Microsoft Office Word XP 2003 document.

Problem Solution. Follow these steps to apply the document template to your document.

  1. Open the document template you want to use. Enable Content if warned.
  2. From the Insert Tab, locate the Text grouping of icons to the top right, and click on the downward pointing triangle next to Object and choose “text from file.”
  3. Choose the file, document, or chapter you would like to combine (merge) with the template. This will merge the two documents. Note that document merge feature under the Review tab and Compare doesn’t seem to achieve this.
  4. Note that you are now, still using the original template file – not the document file you just imported. So, is important to choose “Save As” a Word Document format (.DOC for compatibility if needed) using the name you prefer, such as chapter-5.doc before continuing.
  5. Begin editing as you normally would, and save as you go.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at