Duck the Movie by Nicole Bettauer – Film Review – Philip Baker Hall

Lifeways | Video

Summary. Duck is a thought provoking film about relationships, and finding meaning in life. “In 2009, when Los Angeles’ last city park is closed to the public, a dispossessed man — and the duck who follows him as a mother — quest west, on foot, in search of water and meaning, in the desert that is L.A.” [source]

Purchase. Instead of purchasing Duck from our online store, we’d suggest you purchase it directly from the official site.

Resources. Below are some resources relating to the film.

  • Apple Trailer – Theatrical Trailer / Preview of the Film
  • Facebook – Page of producer Nic Bettauer
  • Game – an online game inspired by the movie
  • IMDB – Duck on the Internet Movie Database
  • MySpace – Duck on MySpace
  • Nic Bettauer – The personal website of the film’s producer.
  • Official Duck Website
  • iTunes – The film is now available for download or rent on iTunes

Video Tour. Below is a video tour of the official Duck website and commentary by Gregory Johnson.

Amazon Description. Amazon offers this description of the film, “Produced, written, and directed by Nic Bettauer, DUCK is the only narrative feature film winner of the year s Women In Film Foundation Film Finishing Fund. DUCK was an Official Selection of the Avignon & Avignon / New York, Hollywood, Denver (where Philip Baker Hall received The John Cassavetes Award for achievement and excellence in American cinema) and Sao Paulo International Film Festivals. DUCK won the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature at its Cinequest World Premiere and was selected for the prestigious American Cinematheque s Independent Showcase . DUCK won Best Foreign Dramatic Feature at the inaugural European Independent Film Festival.”

LifeĀ ImitatesĀ Art. Below is a news clip about a man who has a duck as a friend.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at