Heart Songs 2008 – Positive Future

Effective Living > Music > Heart Songs

Summary. The 2008 Heart Songs CD is now available. These songs were selected among hundreds reviewed this past year. The theme for this year’s Heart Songs selections is Positive Future. Listening from the beginning through to the end, the purpose of the music is to take the listener from a world of hurt, to a world of hope.

The first two songs, Ain’t No Reason and There is So Much More, by Matt Dennen describe in just two songs some of the challenges and problems we face in the world today: the global financial crisis, hatred, terrorist bombings, prison overcrowding, war, suffering, poor working conditions, poverty, work related illnesses, political corruption, sweat shop labor, materialism, and urban sprawl. Departing from the message of these songs, the remaining 13 songs offer a message of hope, purpose, meaning, and overcoming difficulties. The song Roll Tide (track 14) is particularly significant. It is from the soundtrack for the anti-war movie Crimson Tide and was played at the conclusion of John McCain’s concession speech. [Read More]

The complete list of songs are shown below (requires the free Adobe Flash Player to view). The listing below provides links to songs, artists, and albums available on iTunes. There are 30-second previews of songs on iTunes.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. He also manages IowaCityWebDesignArtist.com and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com