Should People Pay More Because of a Perceived Benefit?


New research from the University of Cincinnati shows ‘higher priced placebo’ drugs prove to be more effective than those perceived to be cheaper.

This may give pharmaceutical companies a reason to defend the high price of drugs (e.g. “If people pay more for real drugs, they will have more faith that they will work, and there will be an added placebo effect on top of the real drug.)

This study may support those who charge higher prices for self-help products or services. (e.g. “People won’t believe in it if it’s cheap or free.”)

This raises the question, should people be charged more for products and services just because paying more might give them more faith in it or make them more committed?

It’s that just an excuse to defend the greed of those selling?

For those who do use these excuses to charge more, would they be willing to give the additional money to charity instead of pocketing it?

Further Reading

In addition to the official story found on the University of Cincinnati website, here are several links so you can read more about the study.


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By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at