Resources for Life News 200807

Resources for Life News 200807 | 8 July 2008 | Tuesday

Dear Friend,

I know that time is precious for everyone these days, so I’ll try to keep this update short. The approximate reading time for this message is about 4 minutes. Feel free to reduce your reading time even more by skipping over topics that don’t interest you.

Personal Update. My personal update for July is now available. Learn how I gained 40 pounds and aged 30 years in 6 months and then reversed my metabolic age 25 years and lost 12 pounds in about three weeks!

Heart Songs. The Heart Songs selection for July is Before There Was Time by Caedmon’s Call from the album In the Company of Angels – A Call to Worship. The July Heart Songs page has lyrics and more information.

What’s New. Rather than send you to the What’s New page, I’ll list the recent highlights and additions to the site here so you can have your pick.

  • Schedule for Life – Life as a Dance. The following text was added to the Schedule for Life with the heading Life as a Dance: “In dancing, when we let someone else lead, they guide us in our steps. As we give into their leading, yielding to them, we join our energy with theirs and effortlessly we are glided along. If they are a strong partner, they may twirl us, and lift us. The Schedule for Life is based upon the principle of dancing with the Universe and letting the Universe take the lead in the dance. We gain energy by yielding to the seasons of the year, the times of the day, and our own internal rhythms that have been set by nature. As we let these forces guide us, we are carried along by a great energy. We are in harmony with the forces of nature around us rather than fighting with them. The skilled dancer, flows gracefully with their leading partner. The unskilled dancer stumbles and becomes tired or fatigued since they are not in harmony with the lead partner. It is important to become a skilled dancer with the Universe and with nature.” (20080708tu2010)
  • Gregory Johnson – Running Statistics and Events. The personal page for Gregory Johnson has been updated with additional running statistics and also an events category has been added. (20080706su2004)
  • Earth Monitoring Resources. Significant updates have been made to the Earth Monitoring Resources page. (20080706su1930)
  • Heart Songs 200807. The July Heart Songs selection has been announced. (20080706su1650)
  • Resources for Life Conference 2008. The 2008 Resources for Life conference has been rescheduled from July 12 and 13 to August 8 to 10. (20080706su1604)
  • Border to Border Tour. Gregory Johnson will be traveling down the west coast of the United States from the Canadian border to the Mexican border promoting simple and small living. (20080706su1601)
  • Photography Resource Group. The web page for the Photography Resource Group is being migrated to the new website design. (20080705sa2132)
  • Ice on Rocks Photos. These are photos of winter ice on landscaping stones. The photos were taken on 2 December 2007. (20080705sa1616)

Upcoming Events. Here are some of the events on the Calendar Page that are coming up soon:

Put Your Life on a Diet. My new book, Put Your Life on a Diet, is now listed on Amazon and available for sale online as well as in local bookstores. The official launch of Put Your Life on a Diet is scheduled for 7:00 PM, Friday, 11 July 2008 at Prairie Lights Books in Iowa City.

Resources for Life Conference Rescheduled. Due to the Border to Border Tour, the Resources for Life Conference 2008 has been rescheduled to 08-08-08.

What’s New. Remember you can always find out the latest news by visiting the What’s New page and theDocuments page.

New Newsletter Distribution and Format. For more than 8 years, the Resources for Life newsletter has gone out every month by e-mail to people around the world, on every continent. On Earth Day 2008, I began publishing the newsletter directly to the web. The monthly newsletter notice still goes out, letting people know when it is available to read online. The online format of the newsletter is consistent with the rest of the Resources for website. This new method of delivery makes it possible to go back and make changes or corrections as needed to text or links that may have changed. It is also possible to subscribe via RSS feed with this new format.

Thanks. I want to thank the global team of volunteers and workers “behind the scenes” who help make all this possible. I’m very grateful to the many people who continue to uphold and advance the mission of Resources for Life. Thanks again for your support. Please let me know if there is any way that Resources for Life can serve you better.


Gregory Johnson, Director
Resources for
“Resources for Better Living”
E-Mail: g @ (without spaces)
Postal: PO Box 2717, Iowa City, IA 52244-2717 USA
Phone: (319) 621-4911

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Copyright & License Notification. Until a better system is found or developed, this content and information on the Resources for Life website will be governed by the spirit and intent of the Creative Commons ‘BYSA 3.0’ license. This license provides for the rapid dissemination and adoption of information and concepts without restricting flow and by guaranteeing unrestricted flow down stream even after third-party enhancements or revisions are made. This license is described in more detail here:

Open Source. The writings, systems, content, media (video/audio), and inventions developed under the Resources for Life name are to be governed by the spirit and intent of the Open Source license agreement described here:

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at