WordPress Twenty Ten Theme – Remove Site Header Text for Title and Tagline

Technology > WordPress

When using the WordPress Twenty Ten theme (for those not hosted on WordPress.com), it is desirable to remove the site header text that displays the site title and tagline at the top of the page. This conserves space and allow for a more artistic presentation of the site.

Using a child theme helps retain your modifications even after parent theme updates have been installed. However, some users may be reluctant to use child themes for just a few minor changes that are easily repeated later.

Here are the instructions for removing the site header title and tagline from WordPress Twenty Ten.

  1. From the Dashboard, under Appearance, click on editor.
  2. Click on the Header file link in the right column to begin editing the header.
  3. Select all the text shown so you can copy it and paste it into the Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Apple). This way you can save a backup in case you want to go back.
  4. Scroll down about half-way until you see the text shown below. Highlight and delete the portion that is in red. Then click the Update File button. This will remove the code that generates the header title and tagline text.
  5. Review your site. You may wish to remove the blank space above and below the header image and navigation menu. Click here for instructions.


By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. He also manages IowaCityWebDesignArtist.com and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com