Trailguru User Guide and Help Instructions for Support and Time Zone Adjustment


Summary. The Trailguru system (example) is a very nice online automated GPS mapping system that interfaces with the Apple iPhone using a simple application. This page contains instructions for the basic use of Trailguru. More information is available on the Trailguru help page and in the Trailguru discussion forums.

Adjusting Time Display for Your Time Zone. The trip times in Trailguru are recorded, logged, and displayed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) also known as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Much of Western Europe is on GMT or UTC+0, except in the summer when they switch to UTC+1 (moving clocks ahead one hour). People living east of GMT add an hour for each time zone. For example, If you live in India, your time is +4.5 hours ahead of UTC. If you live in Central Time US, you will subtract -6 hours in the winter (or -7 hours in the summer). If your country observes a Daylight Savings Time, then the number of hours you add or subtract will change seasonally. Here’s how to adjust Trailguru to correct for your local time:

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to Preferences.
  3. Go to the Time tab.
  4. For Offset, enter +04:30 or click the Fill in from browser button.
  5. Click the save button at the bottom of the page.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at