Summary. This document contains links to food resource pages. We generally prefer and promote organic vegan locally grown foods.
Cooking. Below are links relating to cooking.
- Healthy Oils: Coconut Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Article, Google search on Healthy Oils for Cooking
Foods. Below are selected foods.
- Brer Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses
- Cottage Cheese Review
- – “Garden of Eatin’® was founded almost 35 years ago by Al Jacobson, a visionary who was always several steps ahead of his contemporaries.” Products are made with organic grains and no Genetically Engineered Ingredients.
- Organic Food Bars – our review of several organic food bars
- Organic Rice Milk by Rice Dream
- Organic Sunshine Burgers – Southwest Veggie Vegan Patty
Recipes. Below are selected gourmet organic vegan recipes.
Videos. Below are selected videos about food.
- Diet for a New America – “Host John Robbins, the author of the best-selling, pulitzer prize nominated book, Diet For A New America, takes us on a journey into the great American food machine. In his early twenties, in an effort to regain his own health, John turned away from the family owned Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream business and began extensive research into nutrition and food production. After ten years of investigation and a thorough inside look at the American food production system, John has a story to tell. In simple and startling pictures, Robbins connects the dots and reveals his theories on the environmental and personal health consequences of a diet based on animal products. According to Robbins, our current American diet is a recipe for personal and environmental disaster. Diet For A New America graphically outlines the problems and presents Robbins’ vision of hope for the future–people can make a difference by educating themselves and making a choice to return to a caring and conscientious life style. (DVD, total playing time: 60 minutes.)”
- Fast Food Nation. “If you’re still eating that fast-food burger after watching Super Size Me, you might not feel too hungry after watching Fast Food Nation, a fictionalized feature based on Eric Schlosser’s bestselling nonfiction expose. Director Richard Linklater, who cowrote the screenplay with Schlosser, guides a topnotch ensemble cast through a peek behind the veil of how that Big Mac is born. Much of the film focuses on the illegal immigrants who work in the loosely regulated meat-packing industry, and actors including the luminous Catalina Sandino Moreno (Maria Full of Grace), who plays a desperate but outraged laborer.” [ Amazon | IMDB ]
- Food Matters – “Food Matters is a documentary film informing you on the best choices you can make for you and your family’s health. Helping you save time, money and effort. In this day and age with so many companies interested in profiting from our misfortune and ill health this film will help keep your money in your pocket and your health in your hands.”
- Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution and Video Review
Supersize Me. “Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock makes himself a test subject in this documentary about the commercial food industry. After eating a diet of McDonald’s fast food three times a day for a month straight Spurlock proves the physical and mental effects of consuming fast food. Spurlock also provides a look at the food culture in America through it’s schools corporations and politics.” [ Amazon | IMDB | iTunes ]