Activism > Environment Summary. This document offers a directory of movies and films about sustainability and environmental issues. In addition to the featured movies below, offers more suggestions. The 11th Hour: Turn Mankind’s Darkest Hour Into It’s Finest – “Environmental documentary 11th HOUR resides at the polar opposite of escapist summer fare its mission to firmly confront… Continue reading Movies and Films about Sustainability and Environmental Issues
Category: Environment
Electric and Utility Cooperatives – Resources and Information
Activism > Environment Summary. This document provides access to resources and information on electric cooperatives for rural and metropolitan areas. About Electric Cooperatives. “Electric cooperatives are private, independent electric utilities, owned by the members they serve. Democratically governed businesses, electric cooperatives are organized under the Cooperative or Rochdale Principles, anchoring them firmly in the communities they serve… Continue reading Electric and Utility Cooperatives – Resources and Information
Education Workshops and Institutes for Sustainable Living
Activism > Environment Summary. This document provides access to resources and information on sustainability education workshops and institutes. Ancient Earth School of Natural Building Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). A membership-based association of colleges and universities working to advance sustainability in higher education in the US and Canada. – Big Green… Continue reading Education Workshops and Institutes for Sustainable Living
Earth Monitoring – Resources
Earth Welcome Center | Activism > Environment Summary. This document provides access to resources and information for Earth monitoring. This page is in the top 10 for a Google search on “earth monitoring resources” (without the quotes). Earth Clock – Current environmental information about the earth automatically updated. This is a service of Celsias. “Celsias enables individuals,… Continue reading Earth Monitoring – Resources
Creating Sustainable Communities – Resources
Activism > Environment Summary. This document provides access to resources and information on creating sustainable communities. – “The idea for the Abundance EcoVillage Project was born of frustration and dissatisfaction with a way of living that is not healthy for the earth or it’s inhabitants. In a conventional home, subdivision, village, or city, the options provided for… Continue reading Creating Sustainable Communities – Resources
Farming and Agriculture Organic Sustainability – Resources
Activism > Environment Summary. This document provides access to resources and information on farming and agriculture that is sustainable and organic. 60 Mile Farms SPIN Farming (Small Plot Intensive Farming) Somerton Tanks Farm * * * Choose Your Advertising. The topical advertising links below are provided by Google AdSense. In providing these links, we give our… Continue reading Farming and Agriculture Organic Sustainability – Resources
Building Green Sustainable Buildings, Homes, and Communities
Activism > Environment > Housing Summary. This document provides access to resources and information for building green sustainable buildings, homes, and communities. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). A membership-based association of colleges and universities working to advance sustainability in higher education in the US and Canada. – Big Green… Continue reading Building Green Sustainable Buildings, Homes, and Communities