Pete Buttigieg – Reference Page

Politics Military veteran Peter Buttigieg is the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana and has announced that he is running for President in 2020. He is known for being a rare Democrat elected with over 80% voter support in conservative Republican state. For more political news on a variety of people and issues, visit Quick Links… Continue reading Pete Buttigieg – Reference Page

Here’s how the top Iowa Caucus contenders were able to claim ‘victory’ for their campaigns

As huge crowds of supporters gathered to hear speeches from their favorite candidates on Caucus night in Iowa, the candidates were unable to tell their supporters the one thing everyone wanted to know: Who won. Based on totals received from their precinct captains and other campaign workers, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, and Bernie… Continue reading Here’s how the top Iowa Caucus contenders were able to claim ‘victory’ for their campaigns

Iowa Caucus Results – Outcome and Reporting Delays Generate Concerns and Frustration (4 Feb 2020)

A digital and mobilized reporting system for the Iowa Democratic Caucuses was supposed to provide additional speed and accuracy for the February 3 event, but according to party spokespersons, problems with the technology have resulted in delays and concerns about accuracy. This page provides news about this issue and it will be periodically updated with… Continue reading Iowa Caucus Results – Outcome and Reporting Delays Generate Concerns and Frustration (4 Feb 2020)

The Brown & Black Democratic Presidential Forum 2020

8 Democratic presidential hopefuls took questions from VICE News on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Here’s what happened. (VICE News, YouTube, 23 Jan 2020] Event Date: 20 Jan 2020. Posted: 24 Jan 2020. This entire event video is about 4 hours with roughly 30 minutes going to each of the 8 candidates. You can skip… Continue reading The Brown & Black Democratic Presidential Forum 2020

Documentary: Mosul after ISIS (Deutsche Welle, 14 Jan 2020)

After nine months of devastating battle, Mosul was finally liberated from ISIS in July 2017. The city is the second largest in Iraq, and it was here that the Caliphate was proclaimed in 2014. A look at the situation in Mosul today. The rule of so-called Islamic State has left deep scars in Mosul. Thousands… Continue reading Documentary: Mosul after ISIS (Deutsche Welle, 14 Jan 2020)