Breaking News: Anti-Jewish Violent Riots and Flames in the Streets of Sarcelles, France

Introduction Over the past few decades, I’ve actively worked to combat racism and bigotry toward Jews, Muslims, blacks, gays, and various other targeted groups. My work has included increased personal/public efforts to support and defend Islam in the hours, days, weeks, and months following the 9/11 attacks. I’ve also defended Jews in federal court against… Continue reading Breaking News: Anti-Jewish Violent Riots and Flames in the Streets of Sarcelles, France

Palestinian and Israeli Narratives of History and Conflict

Summary The following videos present various narratives and comments about the history of Palestine and Israel from differing perspectives. Some of the videos below would be considered dishonest propaganda by those who oppose whatever view is being presented. Some of these videos will likely contradict what you believe. Others will affirm what you believe. We’d… Continue reading Palestinian and Israeli Narratives of History and Conflict

“Rockets and Revenge” – VICE News Reports on Conflict in Palestine and Israel (Summer 2014)

The following videos are a series of reports from VICE News from the summer of 2014 covering the increased incidents of violence in Palestine and Israel at that time. VICE News is known for a style of balanced factual reporting offering an insight into events with as little bias or reporter influence as possible. Be… Continue reading “Rockets and Revenge” – VICE News Reports on Conflict in Palestine and Israel (Summer 2014)

Unexpected Viewpoints on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

The following documents and resources express viewpoints from either side of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that may be helpful in gaining a broader understanding – particularly for those who may have only heard one side of the argument. The resources below are offered because they convey something of value to the dialog and narrative toward peace. Please consider… Continue reading Unexpected Viewpoints on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Polarized and Emotional Viewpoints on the Palestinian and Israeli Conflict

Document Purpose. The purpose and goal of this document is to illustrate the extremes to which there are polarized and emotional viewpoints regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This document contains inflammatory and upsetting content, so feel free to stop reading if you are easily offended. It’s not intended to take either side of this issue, but to… Continue reading Polarized and Emotional Viewpoints on the Palestinian and Israeli Conflict