Since 2010, homelessness had been declining, but in 2017 a rise in homelessness began. By our most recent accounts there are now 554,000 homeless people in the U.S. with many of the working poor being without a place to live. They could be paid more, but paying workers more would require CEOs and stockholders to get… Continue reading PBS NewsHour: After many years in decline, homelessness is on the rise. (28 Oct 2018)
Tag: economy
Poverty in America – How one of the world’s wealthiest nations still struggles with economic justice.
By some measures, our economy has never been better. The stock market is at an all time high and jobless claims are at about a 49-year low. End of story, right? Well… not really. We still have millions of citizens living in poverty. More than 20 million children are unable to get adequate food. The… Continue reading Poverty in America – How one of the world’s wealthiest nations still struggles with economic justice.
Aljazeera Report on Education, Culture, Lifestyle, Economy, Housing, and Employment in China
This is a common story for young people in countries and cities around the world seeking employment and hoping to create a better life. Description: Many young Chinese are losing faith in China’s economic miracle. Even though the country is poised to overtake the US in the next decade as the world’s largest, fewer Chinese… Continue reading Aljazeera Report on Education, Culture, Lifestyle, Economy, Housing, and Employment in China
Maxine – The Economy is So Bad
Consumer Defense | Finance “The economy is so bad, you need a good dose of Maxine!”~ Greg Johnson We had re-posted on our website an email that has circulated the globe many times over and found its way into the email inboxes of millions. The email contained a dozen Maxine cartoons and quotes about the economy.… Continue reading Maxine – The Economy is So Bad