Documentary: Lebanon and Hezbollah (9 Jan 2020)

Summary In Lebanon, Hezbollah now controls broad areas of political and social life. It has become a state within a state. How can the “Party of God” be confronted? In Lebanon, no important political decisions are taken any more without Hezbollah, the Shiite “party of God”. Since the end of the civil war in 1990,… Continue reading Documentary: Lebanon and Hezbollah (9 Jan 2020)

Documentary: Climate change in the Antarctic (7 Jan 2020)

About Few places on Earth are as remote as the German research facility Neumayer Station III. The scientists who work at this outpost in Antarctica are studying the effects of climate change — under extreme conditions. Journalist Matthias Ebert traveled to the station to find out more about their research. The scientists are particularly concerned… Continue reading Documentary: Climate change in the Antarctic (7 Jan 2020)