“The music of heaven will soon overtake the earth. ” – Darryl Evans from We Will Embrace Your Move (20020803sa)
Author: Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the ResourcesForLife.com website. He also manages IowaCityWebDesignArtist.com and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at AboutGregJohnson.com
Iowa City Welcomes a Police State
by Gregory Paul Johnson Certain communities across America have long been recognized as ideal testing grounds for various commercial products and services as well as social programming studies. For example, when a new product is introduced, it is often introduced in a test market first. Iowa City is frequently chosen as a test market because… Continue reading Iowa City Welcomes a Police State
“Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” – James 4:17 (20020720sa)
“I was made merely in the image of God, but not otherwise resembling him enough to be mistaken for him by anybody but a very nearsighted person.” – Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (20020620fr)
Evolution, Creation
“I believe that our heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey.” – Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (20020620fr)
“Armament and war are the means by which the landlords and capitalists make their profit, while the poor suffer.” – Deguchi Onisaburo (20020423tu)
“Truth is a choice between telling the truth and not telling the truth. Often times we tell it when we are at risk to our own personal loss. The more suffering that might come out of that choice . . . the greater the act of truthfulness.” – Dr. Jeffrey Lang, 31 March 2002, Ames,… Continue reading Truth