Gregory Johnson – Personal Update 201310

Gregory Paul Johnson – Personal Update 201310 | 31 October 2013 | Thursday


Here’s my personal update for October 2013. There’s not much new to report.

Facebook. If we’re not already connected on Facebook, please visit my Facebook page and send me a friend request. I’ve been using Facebook to post photos and links to content.

Wellness. I usually have my interests and attention fairly spread around, but lately with a desire to loose some weight, I’ve been focusing more on fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness. About two years ago I developed a wellness tracking spreadsheet that works like a data entry system for the iPad and iPhone (or any other mobile device with spreadsheet capabilities). When using the spreadsheet on the iPad or iPhone (Numbers by Apple), I’m able to create a form for input that makes it easy to track all aspects of wellness. This feature is unique to the iPad and iPhone. With the tracking system, it’s possible to pick a specific health characteristic to measure and chart over time, like blood pressure, for example. Then, following diet and lifestyle changes, it’s possible to produce the desired results with positive feedback. It’s possible to have significant control over blood pressure, resting pulse, body pH, body temperature, percent body fat, weight, blood oxygen levels, and blood glucose levels all through diet and exercise. Progress can be measured at home using inexpensive home testing kits. In this way, it’s possible to create a customized program for your own body that produces the results you seek. I’m planning to continue improving the system, and hopefully getting some long-term beneficial results from it. I’ll be reporting more on this through upcoming articles.

Writings. I’ve written many articles recently on a variety of topics. You can see them listed by title in the right column under recent posts, or view the most recent articles on the main page of the website.

Many thanks to all of you who keep in touch and provide support for the work I do.

~ Gregory

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at