Genesis Properties – Iowa City Property Management and Real Estate


Some time ago, we began receiving postal mail for Genesis Properties at our mailing address of PO Box 2717, Iowa City, IA 52244-2717. Wondering if these were misdirected mailings, we looked up the business name for Iowa City to see if it existed at another address. The only listing for Genesis Properties in Iowa City is a listing with our address, phone, website, email, and a domain name once purchased by us.

We’re posting this announcement as a clarification for anyone else researching this to let people know we have not previously run an organization or business under the Genesis Properties name. However, given that the name has been linked to us, we’re now taking it over and may use it in the future. The graphic above is a first attempt at creating a brand image for Genesis Properties. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

By Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson is a freelance writer in Iowa City and also the founder and Director of the website. He also manages and many other topic specific websites. Learn more at